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Organisational Culture

Measuring and managing your corporate culture

There is a direct correlation between organisational performance and health. The healthier your culture the healthier your bottom line.


Important to any culture change is clarity with what type of change is being sought, in other words, changing from what to what. When you change your culture, you change the game - be sure the game you want to play.

Recommended tools and methods include Barrett Culture Tools and Prosci® Change Methodology.


Barrett Culture Transformation

Undergoing a Barrett organisational culture assessment allows you to pinpoint the current entropy level of either a team or the whole company by identifying its predominant potentially limiting values as well as their healthy values. A specific change-plan is then designed to enable a values shift to the desired values, as determined by the employees.  An integral approach is taken with both the design phase and the implementation phase.

Suggested time lines

The timelines for the actual assessment depends on the size of the organisation and geographic spread. Generally for a one-site, 500 employee  company, the full process takes approximately one month, excluding any follow-up workshops. 

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What is the ADKAR Model?

The Prosci ADKAR® Model is a goal-oriented change management model that guides individual and organizational change. Created by Prosci founder Jeff Hiatt, ADKAR is an acronym that represents the five tangible and concrete outcomes that people need to achieve for lasting change: awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement.

The Prosci Change Management methodology offers a systematic framework for supporting employee change during a culture process. It has global reach and offers a start to end solution. Its popular ADKAR® acronym for personal change is a particularly impactful process.

Prosci Change Management
Team Building


Competition today requires that teams be more resilient and innovative to the requirements of an ever-changing market place. For a team to function optimally, attention needs to be paid to both the task at hand and the process which takes place between team members.


Whenever two or more people work together, one of the most predictable outcomes will be conflict. Although conflict isn’t necessarily a negative phenomenon, it can become problematic when it is suppressed or mismanaged, as is often the case in the majority of team efforts. The consequences are obvious, manifesting themselves in a variety of common symptoms like absenteeism, low productivity, poor morale and backstabbing.


Team building is an obvious solution – simple in theory but takes an enormous commitment and energy to bring about.


The Process


The process we offer has been successfully implemented for over 30 years at all levels in organisations and is supported by a sound theoretical and psychological base.  A model for trust is embedded in team members’ behaviour as trust forms the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, team and organisation.

The Workshop


This flagship workshop runs over two days and is adjusted to suit team composition.

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